Hi! I'm

an aspiring full-stack developer, based in Munich

I'm an aspiring developer with first technical experience at international companies. I have been improving my coding skills, both front- and backend, for around 2 years and now I'm ready to start coding professionally. I initially started with bootcamps and workshops. I've been intensely coding over the last 4 months and learning about full stack dev and cloud integrations (e.g. deployments).

Over the course of my career so far I have realized that I enjoy solving problems in a way that uses both creative and logical skills. I have discovered that coding fulfils this role for me.

Technologies I've been working with recently:

  • javascript
  • react
  • redux
  • next.js
  • node.js
  • express.js
  • mongoDB
  • html
  • css
profile image
project section main - weather appproject section main - social network app


Personal and commercial projects

Fluffy Carnival

fluffy carnival front page
fluffy carnival - single post

A social network app, build using React.js for the frontend and Node.js for backend.
Some of the features include: managing friends, managing the personal profile, adding and editing posts with images, recent posts feed, liking and commenting, privacy controls, search function


  • react.js
  • redux
  • css
  • html
  • node.js
  • express.js
  • mongoDB

Url Shortener

A Node.js/Express API to shorten urls provided by user. The user inputs a long (full) URL and optionally a short identifier, and a shorter version of the URL that redirects to the full url is returned.


  • node.js
  • express.js
  • knex
  • SQLite
  • mocha & chai

Star Wars App

star wars app - front page
star wars app - one of the views

A responsive React.js app that displays Star Wars films and characters short descriptions. Integrated with an external API, data is downloaded only on the initial page load and retrieved from local storage.


  • react.js
  • redux
  • css
  • html
  • jest & enzyme

Weather App

weather app - main view
weather app - details

A responsive weather website that displays both current weather as well as short term forecast, inegrated with external API and browser geolocation. Some of the highlights include dynamically adjusting gradient background to current time of day in real time, timezone calculations to better handle summer/winter time


  • javascript
  • css
  • html

E-commerce site

e-commerce project - front page
e-commerce project - product page

A responsive project for e-commerce site, based on AdobeXD project. Slick library for sliders


  • html
  • css
  • javascript